Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tips To Make Fast Windows 7 Operating System

Are you using Windows 7 operating system? No doubt, this operating system is fast, but you can run much faster. How? For advice, read this article. Whether you are an experienced Windows user or the use of Windows 7 for the first time, you can easily use all these tips and take your computing experience to a whole new level. You can also view a company repair remote computer repair Windows in this regard.

The first thing we would like to address is on how to speed up Windows 7 boot times. To start, the operating system uses one core. To reduce the startup time, you can increase the number of cores. I do not know how to do this? The process is very simple. Click Start, and then click "Run." Type "msconfig" in the dialog box. Then click on 'Boot' tab and the click "Advanced", "Number of processors" check and enter the number of cores your processor a. Generally, these are 2, 4 or 8. Then click "OK" and "Apply" then reboot. You will experience a much faster boot.

To improve performance, you also delete unwanted fonts from your computer. There are lots of TrueType fonts that use few system resources. For best performance, you need to trim your fonts down. Keep only the fonts you need to use on a daily basis. To do this, open Control Panel and open the Fonts folder. Then you need to move these fonts you do not need a temporary directory.

Windows indexing conduct research so that once you find a particular file, you can instantly get it. But if you do not use search option regularly, then there is no use of this feature of search indexing. Rather, by disabling this feature, you can boost your computer performance. To turn off search indexing Just click Start and type services.msc, and then find "Windows Search. 'Right-click Next on the Startup Type field, select "Disabled".

You can also accelerate the time to stop making Windows 7 Operating System  just a simple registry change. Click Start and type regedit and hit Enter. Then, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl and right-click and change the value WaitToKillServiceTimeout and bottom. The default is 12000 (12 seconds) and you can reduce this to any number. When finished, click OK and restart the PC.

Another very useful way is to remove startup programs. There are several programs start automatically with Windows, such as Java, Acrobat, Quicktime and iTunes, etc. How to stop them starting automatically? Go to Start and type "msconfig" and click the Startup tab and uncheck the programs you do not need at startup.

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